A papillon puppy cocks her head to the side while looking at the camera

It’s that time again

…and we’re rehashing an old post that we have to put up again.

Caroline and I have grown as a team and we are working more efficiently together. We both strive to dedicate our time and efforts into helping people achieve their training goals and offering support both during and after the time we work with those clients. We are again at a place that we can no longer take on new clients while still offering the same quality of support that we’ve always been able to offer. It’s for this reason that we’ve had to make the difficult decision to turn down new clients at this time so that we can dedicate our efforts to current patrons without sacrificing the quality services we are proud to provide. We also have some exciting endeavors we’ve been working on behind the scenes that we’re not quite ready to share yet, but you’ll know about them once we make progress!


We are sincerely thankful to everyone interested in wanting to use our services. We have started another waitlist for new clients, which we will contact in order as spots become available. We are currently at capacity with no timeframe of when there will be availability. You are welcome to contact us and ask to be added to the waitlist, or referred to others depending on the situation you require help with. We will do our best to support whatever needs you have.

We are sincerely thankful for the patronage of all clients – those past, present and future. We also thank you for understanding and hope that we can have the privilege of working with you soon.

– Caroline and Krystal